CNSI Core Lab Management System
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Lab: Electron Imaging Center for Nanosystems (EICN)
Equipment: ZEISS Supra 40VP SEM, Room B146B

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Equipment Color
ZEISS Supra 40VP SEM, Room B146B     Electron Imaging Center for Nanosystems (EICN)
Quantity: 1     Usage Type: Essential    
Training Required: Yes     Training Level: 1     Training Service Type: aid/trainer required     Approval Required: Yes     Service Type: self-service
Description: The Zeiss SUPRA 40VP Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope is a high performance SEM suitable for both materials and biological applications. It has a wide range of operating beam energies and is capable of variable pressure operation and elemental mapping with high spatial resolution.

Key features:

  • Easy-to-use control software
  • Adjustable beam energy from 100 eV to 30 eV
  • Short working distance; as low as 8.5 mm
  • High probe current (up to 20 nA) and high stability; better than 0.2 % / hour
  • Several detectors:
    • Secondary electron (SE) detector for typical SEM imaging
    • In-Lens SE detector for topographic imaging
    • Backscattered electron detector (BSE) for Z-contrast imaging
    • Variable pressure secondary electron detector (VPSE) for imaging in a partially pressurized environment; 1-133 Pa
    • Transmitted electron detector (Note: The transmission detector is currently out of service)
    • Energy dispersive X-ray (EDS) detector for elemental mapping (sensitive to elements heavier than boron)

Rates: Internal Academic rate: $50/hour; External Academic rate: $70/hour; Industry rate: $100/hour

Instructions to become a user can be found here: EICN Become a User. Training can be requested by emailing If you do not receive a reply within 48 hours, you can email Matthew Mecklenburg ( to follow up.

Reservation Details  -  Today's Date/Time: Oct 05 2024, 07:07 am
To make a reservation on this Equipment:
  • New Users:   Click here to ask for authorization.
  • Existing Users:   Click here to ask for authorization.