TFS Laboratory Automation System (w/ Staff Support)BioPACIFIC Materials Innovation Platform
Quantity: 1
Usage Type: Essential
Training Required: Yes
Training Level: 1
Training Service Type: aid/trainer required
Approval Required: Yes
Service Type: aid/trainer required
Description: The ThermoFisher Laboratory Automation System (LAS) serves as the cornerstone technology for the facility, enabling execution of automated customized synthetic biology and workflows at >500 samples-per-week. The LAS is equipped with over of over 10 functional instrumental components, including: a state-of-the-art SpinnakerTM microplate robot, automated incubators, reagent dispensers, thermal cyclers, plate sealer, and carousels/racks that are seamlessly integrated through the MOMENTUMTM application programming interface that is fully-compatible with laboratory information management systems (LIMS).
Reservation Details - Today's Date/Time: Feb 14 2025, 06:11 am