Titan 80-300 TEM, Room B122Electron Imaging Center for Nanosystems (EICN)
Quantity: 1
Usage Type: Essential
Training Required: Yes
Training Level: 1
Training Service Type: aid/trainer required
Approval Required: Yes
Service Type: self-service
Description: The FEI Titan family currently offers the Titan 80-300 TEM, the world’s most powerful, commercially-available scanning transmission electron microscope. Titan is the next generation of a unique 80-300 kV range microscope with 1.34 Angstrom resolution. The Titan system is poised to bring electron microscopy into a new era by expanding boundaries and assisting scientists and researchers to achieve ground-breaking results in nanoresearch. This electron microscope is equipped with a S-TWIN lens.
Key features:
Alignments: 80, 200, 300 kV
Field Emission Gun (X-FEG)
Computer-controlled compustage
+/- 40o single tilt analytical holder (without cryobox)
You are required to have at least 10 hours of previous experience on any modern FEI TEM with compustage in order to be qualified for Titan S/TEM training. Instructions to become a user can be found here: EICN Become a User. Training can be requested by emailing eicnhelp@cnsi.ucla.edu. If you do not receive a reply within 48 hours, you can email Matthew Mecklenburg (mmecklenburg@cnsi.ucla.edu) to follow up.
Reservation Details - Today's Date/Time: Feb 17 2025, 06:37 pm