T12 TEM, Room B122Electron Imaging Center for Nanosystems (EICN)
Quantity: 1
Usage Type: Supportive
Training Required: Yes
Training Level: 1
Training Service Type: self-service
Approval Required: Yes
Service Type: self-service
Description: The T12 cryo-electron microscope is from the FEI Tecnai Family, and is suitable for broad variety of EM techniques including conventional transmission electron microscopy, cryoelectron microscopy, cryoelectron tomography, conical tomography etc. The T12 instrument is a perfect entry-level instrument to get quick results at a minimal cost. This electron microscope is equipped with a TWIN lens. The T12 is equipped with a cryoblade, and is suitable for screening cryo samples.
Key features:
20 to 120 kV
LaB6 gun
Computer-controlled compustage
+/- 80o tilt single tilt
Gatan 626 cryo specimen holder
Gatan Ultrascan1000 4MP CCD (2k by 2k)
Point-point resolution: 0.34 nm; Line resolution: 0.2 nm
Instructions to become a user can be found here: EICN Become a User. Training can be requested by emailing eicnhelp@cnsi.ucla.edu. If you do not receive a reply within 48 hours, you can email Matthew Mecklenburg (mmecklenburg@cnsi.ucla.edu) to follow up.
Reservation Details - Today's Date/Time: Feb 17 2025, 05:14 pm