Horiba NTA - Room B139Nano & Pico Characterization Lab
Quantity: 1
Usage Type: Essential
Training Required: Yes
Training Level: 1
Training Service Type: aid/trainer required
Approval Required: Yes
Service Type: aid/trainer available
Description:Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) provides the information of size, size distribution, concentration of materials including exosomes, extracellular vesicles, liposome, lipid nanoparticles, virus, etc. Horiba NTA utilizes three lasers (445, 520, 635 nm) simultaneously with independently adjustable power which is available to analyze broad size distribution (10 nm - 15 um) and particle concentration (10^5 to 10^9 particles/mL) accurately with the sample volume as low as 350 uL. In addition, fluorescent module allows for specific application in life science, drug delivery, and nanotoxicology research by detecting fluorescently labeled antibodies, particles, vesicles.
Reservation Details - Today's Date/Time: Feb 15 2025, 09:29 am