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Advanced Light Microscopy/ Spectroscopy

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October 27, 2024 - November 2, 2024
27 28 29 30 31 1 2

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Laurent A. Bentolila, Scientific Director
Haley Marks, Project Scientist
Brian Jeong, Research & Development Engineer

The Advanced Light Microscopy/Spectroscopy Technology Center provides consultation, services and support for the application of novel spectroscopic methods and advanced image analysis techniques for the study of macromolecules, cellular dynamics and nanoscale characterization of bio-materials.

The facility supports the development of novel imaging reagents and indicator probes made of quantum dots that can be synthesized in various colors and functionalized with various biological molecules.

The facility also provides a collection of customized confocal fluorescence microscopes to study these processes in whole organisms and in living cells, down to the single molecule detection level. Two optical suites of 2,500 square feet were specifically designed to house our microscopes with the required environment control (low vibration, air-filtered, airconditioned to +1°C and light-tight).